Workplace Campaigns

The Combined Federal Campaign (CFC)
The Combined Federal Campaign (CFC) is the annual fund-raising drive conducted by federal employees in their workplace each fall. Each year federal employees and military personnel raise millions of dollars through the CFC that benefits thousands of non-profit charities.
The CFC Mission is to promote and support philanthropy through a program that is employee focused, cost-efficient, and effective in providing all federal employees the opportunity to improve the quality of life for all. Taping receives over $1,000 per year for quality, award-winning programs and services from the generous employees of the CFC. For Taping For The Blind’s CFC charity number, please contact us.
The Combined Municipal Campaign, Houston (CMC)
The Combined Municipal Campaign (CMC) is an annual drive to raise funds from city employees to be contributed to various charitable organizations of their choice. By choosing to fund Taping For The Blind through employee contributions, Municipal employees help Taping supply award-winning programming to the print handicapped. For Taping For The Blind’s CMC charity number, please contact us.
The State Employee Charitable Campaign (SECC)
The State Employee Charitable Campaign is a great opportunity for state employees to contribute toward helping improve the quality of life for all. The workplace charity campaign, which provides state employees with a convenient and efficient way to make voluntary, tax-deductible contributions to charities through payroll deduction, cash, check or bank draft is your opportunity to prove that "Together We Care."
There is no better way for state employees to give to a charitable cause of their choice than through the SECC. State employee contributions have helped us convert our studios from analog to digital recording, with the result that now we are available state and worldwide through streaming audio on the Internet. For Taping For The Blind’s SECC charity number, please contact us.