Other Campaigns

Randall’s Remarkable Card
You can link Taping For The Blind to your Remarkable card by completing a Remarkable Application Form at any Courtesy Booth. Fill in the top portion and the "Good Neighbor Program" section, indicating account number 812 (Taping For The Blind) to link to your card. Randall’s will pay us a percentage of your purchase total at no charge to you, so be sure to use your card every time you shop. Collectively, the Randall’s Good Neighbor Program contributes enough to programs and services to fund a weekly half-hour radio show for one year.
Kroger Share Card
You can request a Kroger Share Card from Taping For The Blind at any time. Each time you shop at Kroger, present the card to the checker before they begin to ring up your order, or scan your card like you would any regular grocery item with a bar code. A percentage of your purchase is refunded back to Taping For The Blind at no extra charge to you, so be sure to use your card every time you shop. Collectively, Kroger Share Card users annually donate the enough money to programs and services to fund a weekly half-hour radio show for one year.
Local Independent Charities (LIC)
Local Independent Charities of America (LIC) is an IRS-recognized tax-exempt group representing charitable organizations. Local Independent Charities of America was originally established to help charities participate more effectively in the U.S. Government's annual employee fund drive. Today, the LIC fund raising drive is open to corporations who allow non-United Way charities to participate in their fall workplace campaigns. Each year employees raise money for the charity of their choice through payroll deduction, cash, check or bank draft. LIC will even take your old car and donate the proceeds to Taping For The Blind. Annual contributions to Taping from the LIC help sight-impaired viewers enjoy museum exhibits, IMAX films, beloved storybooks, current newspapers and popular magazines.
Houston Marathon - Run For A Reason
Taping For The Blind is an official charity of the HP Houston Marathon. Each year, runners raise hundreds of thousands of dollars for Houston area charities, truly exemplifying the theme, "It’s More Than A Race". We encourage you to make every step count by supporting Taping For The Blind as one of the Official Charities of the HP Houston Marathon. To find out more, or to contribute on line, go to the HP Houston Marathon Website.