Description for the Blind sm
In 1993, Taping For The Blind began an exciting new service, Description for the Blind sm, and it’s the art of talking pictorially. With audio description, you don't miss any of the action!
Specially trained describers offer live or recorded descriptions of events such as Houston Livestock Show & Rodeo performances, plays at the Alley Theatre and Theater Under the Stars (TUTS), IMAX movies and museum exhibits.
We work closely with the Alley Theatre and TUTS describing a variety of plays each year. If you would like to attend any of these theatrical performances, see our Events Calendar.
Audio description can be either live or taped, depending on whether the event is a theater performance or a movie, a parade or a museum exhibit. To listen, the client uses a small headset provided by the event host. The headset has an on/off button and a volume control. The equipment picks up the signal broadcast by the describer from anywhere in the facility. During the performance, the describer tells about the action or visuals, right along with the performers. For plays, the describer will read the playbill before the curtain rises.
Although audio description is free of charge, you still have to pay for admission to the event itself. To be sure of getting a headset, please be certain to be at the event at least 30 minutes before it starts.
Special Assistance
Ask the management of the theater, museum, or event venue for accommodations with special needs. METROLift can provide transportation for blind and sight-impaired patrons. TUTS and the Alley will provide volunteer escorts, on request. When you purchase your ticket, be certain to mention that you'd like to experience the Audio Described performance.