The TAPING RECORDER May, 2005 News from & about Taping For The Blind, Inc. GREAT PARTY--If you missed our reception honoring our volunteers, you missed a fine party! The speeches were short but the fellowship was long and strong. It is seriously enjoyable getting to be with Taping volunteers, and even better with all the delicious food and beverages (particular thanks to Tony & Janet Parisi for the wine donation). We were pleased to give the Special Achievement Award to several volunteers. This is Taping's highest award and is given for extraordinary efforts on behalf of the organization. This year's winners are John Borrowman, Cullom Connely, Tom Milburn, Robert Schuller, Scott Ward, and Bill White (our volunteer, not the Mayor). John Borrowman and Bill White were honored for their work on our Rodeo Description team. Each has been doing this work since we began describing the rodeo, and they completed their eleventh year this year. This is particularly challenging description as it is done live and there aren't any rehearsals to polish your patter - it is straight to the real thing. Tom Milburn has been a super substitute as well as a regular reader on HTBR. He was first in hours volunteered in 2004, and he comes in from Kingwood every time. Cullom Connely works the front desk and anything else we ask of him. He is our Sam's shopper and helps us in many other ways as well. He was also in the top 10 of hours volunteered. Robert Schuller and Scott Ward were honored for their excellent work on version 2 of our website. If you haven't gone to the site (address given above) please do so as it is a fantastic departure from our old site, with architecture designed to give you results in three clicks or less, all while being supremely accessible. This work was done in conjunction with our participation in the Accessibility Internet Rally last fall. We congratulate each of our honorees and thank them for their dedicated service to Taping! We also want to thank Ginger Gish for her great job organizing the party, as well as her helpers: Sam Bertron, Cullom Connely, Nancy Daley, Katie Damon, Deborah Filip, Joan Gallo, Gwen Hieger, Lyn & Les Schmaltz, Karl Seibert, & Connie Wright. And we cannot thank Dorothy Brockman enough for the gorgeous flower arrangements she donated! Well done, one and all! We also thank Cynthia Franzetti and Jim Martinez for closing the building after the party (heaven knows it is tough to get all of those talkers out when you need to). TAPING WINS TWO IAAIS AWARDS--We are very pleased to let you know that Radio Manager Jim Martinez was notified that Taping has won two awards from the International Association of Audio Information Services (IAAIS) in their most recent competition. In the category of narrative reading (prerecorded), Joan Gallo's reading of "Booked to Die" by John Dunning was an award winner (narration and production by Ms. Gallo). In the interview/call-in (prerecorded) category, our show "Turning Sight Into Sound" was a winner with "Acceptance," where Jim Bratton interviewed three blind people about their adjustment and adaptation to loss of vision at different periods of their lives. Bob Bartlett, Arthur Crissey, and Nadine Saffell were the interview subjects. Justin Blount did the engineering work, Jim Bratton the interviewing, and Jim Martinez was Executive Producer for this award-winning show. The awards will be presented at the annual conference of IAAIS, which will be held June 2-4, 2005, at Lawrence, Kansas, on the University of Kansas campus. Cynthia Franzetti and Jim Martinez will attend this conference on behalf of Taping. WHAT'S IN A NAME?--Part of our effort to step up our ability to market and raise funds effectively is done by a subcommittee that is "thinking outside the box." Mary Pedersen chairs this group and she has written the following piece to solicit your thoughts: The Board of Directors is considering a name change for our organization. Why? In the nearly forty years since Taping was founded our mission and services have multiplied. In 1967 when our founder was tape recording textbooks for blind students at U of H, "taping for the blind" described us quite precisely, but that is no longer the case. Since that date, we have added a 24/7 radio reading service and audio description of a wide variety of IMAX films, museum displays, theater performances, convention site venues, and rodeo performances. Our client base has broadened as well to include anyone who is unable to use print media whether due to visual handicap, paralysis, or organically based dyslexia. Finally, due to our new digital technology and Internet capability, the only "tapes" that remain are the cassettes we send to our clients (and many of them now prefer the compact disks we are able to provide). For these reasons, the Board considers that we have outgrown our name and need to make a change. We would like your help. Anyone may submit suggestions to the office, and we welcome anyone who would like to serve on a brainstorming session that the Board's subcommittee will arrange soon. Watch this space! ********** Thanks for this contribution, Mary, and we hope our readers will contribute to this effort. SOMETHING GOLDEN--We are pleased to offer the congratulations of the entire Taping family to Chris & Janet Kiersted who recently celebrated their Golden Wedding Anniversary! We all wish you many more! STATION BREAKS--Recently Chris Van Deusen and Bob Bartlett went down to City Hall to get some HTBR station breaks recorded. We were pleased to have Mayor Bill White contribute his efforts, as well as At-large Council Member Gordon Quan. Advisory Director Kym King and her assistant, Kimberly Phelon, were of great assistance in this effort, and we thank all who made this happen. LIGHT THE CANDLES--We wish a very Happy Birthday to the following Taping volunteers who celebrate in May: 05/02 Donald Wolff; 05/08 Otto Schlamme; 05/10 Steven Galindo, Josephine Tarr; 05/11 Randy de La Garza; 05/16 Deanna Sullivan; 05/17 Paul Daly, Katy Damon; 05/19 Nancy Daly, Agnes Hortobagyi; 05/20 Margaret Anderson; 05/22 Elizabeth Heeb; 05/23 Lynn Johnson, Bill White; 05/27 George Nevers; 05/29 Shirley Houston; and 05/31 Allan Kohlwes. If you have a May birthday and your name isn't in our list, please notify Ginger so we can update our records. GET WELL WISHES--We send best wishes for a speedy recovery to Dee Weaver who fell and broke a hip recently. We also wish a speedy recovery to Susan Boggio who was in one of those horrible car crashes (about a dozen vehicles involved), and in spite of the fact that her car was destroyed, she walked away with cuts and bruises (and the accident was not her fault). OUR SYMPATHY--The sympathy of the entire Taping family are offered to Nadine Saffell whose son, Robert, passed away recently. RLB