The TAPING RECORDER September 2003 News from and about Taping For The Blind, Inc. NEW HTBR SCHEDULE--We began our new schedule for HTBR programming on September 8, 2003. Thanks to Dr. Ed Bradley, Vice President of Client Services, the Listeners Committee, and Jim Martinez, Radio Manager, for developing the new schedule. We don't change just for the sake of change. Rather, we respond to listener comments as well as using the experience of other radio reading services to make our schedule user-friendly and user-useful. This is always challenging and we appreciate the effort that goes into making a new schedule work. This year we have added "The Blind Handyman," a program aired with permission of ACB Radio ( and the creators of the show. It is some good ol' boys in Lufkin, and the show is great fun--it is a sort of Click & Clack but doesn't focus on cars. It focuses on how to do routine chores with adaptive equipment and techniques. We are also developing another show that will feature blindness-related topics in the Houston area. Jim Bratton is working on developing this show. The first edition of this monthly work will look at the upcoming Career Day for Blind & Visually Impaired 2003. The planning for this series of seminars designed to help unemployed and underemployed blind folks find work has been done in the Taping conference room. The event will happen on October 18 at the Houston Lighthouse, but we don't have an air date for the show yet. We are excited about our new schedule and hope our listeners are as well. LISTENERS CAMPAIGN--Our Fall Listeners Campaign started September 1. (It actually started earlier than that with a mail stuffing party in the conference room. Thanks to all who helped prepare that mailing.) The mailing included a letter and a copy of our new program schedule, as well as a gift envelope. The point of the exercise is to announce our new schedule as well as raise some money. We ask our listeners to contribute in April and September, and these campaigns are generally very successful. MARATHON--The signup party for the HP Houston Marathon was in Memorial Park early this month. Taping was represented by Ginger Gish and Bob Bartlett. We had 4 runners signup to "Run for a Reason" on behalf of Taping. We have others, including regular Taping volunteers, that will run as well (see runners named later in this letter). If you know someone who is planning to run in the HP Houston Marathon, ask them if they are running for a charity, and if they aren't suggest Taping to them. We need to have our runners raise $3000 for Taping or we run the risk of being dropped as one of the approved charities for the marathon. Remember, if you want to participate, they have marathon, half marathon, and 5K events and walking in the 5K is perfectly permissible. In addition, when our runners put their pledge sheets on the bulletin board, please pledge some money to them! Thanks! FOR SALE--If you are interested in buying one of our old reel-to-reel recorders or cassette recorders, they are available for $50.00. They are sold as is. Each has been tested and we are only selling the ones that work. If you are interested, contact any staff member for more information. THE GOOD ONES--You may have seen Cynthia Franzetti during the TV news story about the new Better Business Bureau (BBB) initiative to rate charities and announce their findings as a service to our community. Taping and the other charities that were included meet all BBB guidelines and standards and are members in good standing with the BBB. It is nice to receive this positive recognition. SPECIAL THANKS--It seems as if Taping volunteers are always doing something out of the ordinary, but how about George Nevers and Morton Fefer. They recently completed reading a complex paper dealing with serious mathematics and geophysics. It took many hours of extra work to get it right, but they did it! Another demonstration of the dedication of our volunteers! RUNNING FOR A REASON--Earlier in this issue we mentioned the HP Houston Marathon. We have new runners running for Taping including Daniel Brauweiler, Whitney Daley, Morton Fefer, and Jean Wrench. Continuing on the Taping team are Ted Pfister, Anita Simpson, and Dena Marks Sokolow. We wish our runners great success with their training and thanks to each of them! Race day is January 18, 2004, so please support our Taping team! DID YOU HEAR?--There is an FCC requirement that radio stations do a certain amount of public affairs programming. These are the programs that are on at very odd times and generally nobody hears them. We are pleased that Cynthia Franzetti and Bob Bartlett were interviewed by Mike Mollett, Public Affairs Director for Cox Broadcasting in Houston. The interview was aired on Cox stations as their "FYI Houston" show at 6 a.m. on Sunday, September 23. We hope you were up to hear it. But we aren't too surprised if you missed it. One never knows about these things, so this was another excellent opportunity to tell the Taping story. LIGHT THE CANDLES--We apologize for not having the September birthdays in our August issue, but it turns out, there wasn't an August issue. We say better late than never so here are birthdays for September: 09/01 Michael Johnston, Julian Spring; 09/05 Joe Laughlin, Dena Marks Sokolow; 09/07 Bernard Lewis; 09/16 Sandy Vanderburg; 09/17 Angela Herald; 09/20 Bill Brown, Anne Chatoney, Allen Richards; 09/22 Carolyn Babb, Rob Priske; 09/23 Deborah Filip; 09/24 Julie Machal; 09/26 Judy Hoctor; 09/27 Marty Ryan; 09/28 Anne Sharpe; 09/29 Justin Blount; and 09/30 Sam Bertron. October birthdays include: 10/01 Polly Clark, Carol Gehrig; 10/02 Maricela Amezcua; 10/04 Monica McHam; 10/05 Mary Farish Johnston, Jo Marks; 10/10 Marcie Corder; 10/11 Sandra Louvet; 10/13 Kate Rodwell, Ellin Royds; 10/14 Kathy Osman; 10/19 Steve McCarthy; 10/20 Henry Fiur; 10/21 Dave Herfort; 10/26 Tony Amante; and 10/30 Lyndon Joslin. Happy Birthday to all from the TAPING RECORDER. Remember, if you had a birthday during September or October and it didn't show up in our list, please let Ginger know so we can update our records. We only give the day, not the year! OUR SYMPATHY--The entire Taping family extends their sympathy to the family and friends of Hugh Powers who died recently. Hugh served on the Board of Directors. MORE TO COME--There is lots more going on as committees work on updating our website as well as looking at our office automation, but we'll save that for a later issue. Keep smiling, they'll wonder what you're up to! RLB